Aimee was raised on an irrigation farm in the southern Riverina where she is based today. When she returned home to the family farm, after working in accounting and irrigation, she discovered LEGO® photography online and so began the adventures of one LEGO® Farmer. Aimee holds a Bachelor of Agricultural Business Management, and works as a freelancer in ag communications speciallising in Social Media, as well as working in events, career outreach and in the country show movement. The flexibility of remote work allows Aimee to pursue her passion for celebrating Australian agriculture, and reliving her childhood playing with LEGO® and creating farm scenes.
Aimee has been recognised for her contributions through Little BRICK Pastoral since its creation in 2014. She was an Australian delegate to the Global Youth Ag Summit, a finalist in the AgriFutures Rural Women’s Awards for NSW/ACT, an RAS of NSW Rural Achiever, and a National Farmers Federation 2030 Leader. Aimee is passionate about equipping others involved in Australian agriculture to share their story, and showcase the diverse range of careers within the industry, and speaks at schools and events across the country.
You can find Aimee here: @littlebrickpast or @aimeekcreative
Email Aimee at: